Who is the world best man in history (wikipedia)

Who is the world best man in history 2023

Hello, welcome to today’s article on who is the world best man in the world as documented by history….

Have you been searching and eager to know Who is the world best man in the world, the greatest man ever…

Who is....

The top great men of influence.

Has it been a question of your heart to know between Mohammed and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, world’s impact status.

Search no more, my dearly noble researcher….

This article is for you because, we have gone out of our comfort zone in search of who is the world best man in history.

Kindly take your time to go through this post in other to understand who is the world best man in the world.

And the category and bases that made him the greatest man of all…

But before we dive in properly into the main deal of this article, let’s actually get the background by which men are group logically.

Worthy of note:

The above giving piece of information is for general informational purposes only, no more, no less.

All information contained in this article is provided in good faith and not for religion purposes or otherwise.

However, we make no warranty or representation of any kind on this article, by express or implied form.

Regarding the adequacy, accuracy, reliability, validity, completeness or availability of any information on the Site.

Background of who is the world best man in the world

This is a very interesting question that many have often asked, and bent on getting the answer without sentiment or being biased.

Lots of Muslim brothers and sisters will tell you categorically that the best man of God in the world in called Mohammed.

Due to their religious beliefs and prowess!!!

Muhammad ibn Abdullah the prophet is the greatest person in the world in accordance with Islam.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh) was an Arab religious, social and political leader all together.

Abdullah ibn Muhammad was the founder of the religion called Islam across the nation (Muslim doctrine founder).

According to the Islamic religion, Mohammed was a unique and notable prophet.

Who is inspired to confirm and teach the monotheistic teachings of Abraham, Adam, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah is said to be the final prophet of God in all the benefit branches of Islam.

But most modern denominations diverge from that Islamic religious belief.

The prophet unites Arabia into a single Muslim polity, using the Quran, as well as his preaching, practices and teachings.

And this formed and gave birth to the basis of Islamic religious belief as seen today.

However, the Christian (believers) strongly believed that the world best man is called Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He brought the significance of holy life of into everything he does in a meek way…

Jesus was the only man in history who did all things right and not only in saving the entire world but also in daily life.

who is the world best man - all you need to know

  • Men of good will stake on who is the world best man in history

Some men of good will or the bench warmers views on who is the world best man in history echoes John the Baptist, Solomon with regard to wisdom, women and wealth possession.

Many tells of Jack (Pal) Smurch who surprised the world by creating a non-stop flight all over the world, and landing directly back in New York in his little time of existence, as the world best man.

In all these, many opts for, Elijah, Elisha, Samson, Paul the Apostle and the like, to mention but a few!!

On the other hand, people who don’t believe in Christianity and Islam refute all the above, and went for men like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Confucius etc.

Stating their claims on what made them to feel that they are the world best man recognized globally.

The Top 15 greatest man in the world that’s impacted heavily o their generation

Here are the answers on who is the world best man according to researcher BBG Ihunanyachi Onyemauchechukwu;

According to her, this is their positions of top 15 names and ranking, with brief of their earthly impact!!!

1… Jesus,

2… Muhammad,

3… Isaac Newton,

4. Buddha,

5. Confucius,

6. Paul of Tarsus,

7. Cài Lún,

8. Johannes Gutenberg,

9. Christopher’s Columbus,

10. Albert Einstein,

11. John the Baptist,

12. Solomon,

13. Samson,

14. Elijah and

15. Nze Goefrey Anuonye

This top 15 greatest man in the world are best for her:

The world has seen so many heroes and heroine, mega minds and masters from one generation to another.

Thus, the top greatest man on the surface of the earth have been listed in this post, and they are no doubt the greatest men ever in history.

Scroll up a little and discover who is the world best man and the top 15 greatest man in the world since creation according to milkchi.com and google.

Top ten (10) greatest man in the world 2022 – Wikipedia

There are a lot of great men on earth who did great things for the benefits and welfare of people.

The book, by Michael H., reviews the 100 ranking of the most influential individuals in history till date.

Based on milkchi.com and Micheal H publication, we have outlined the greatest men of all time without biases.

Now, let us have a look at who is the world best man according to his analysis and undisputed research results.

who is the world best man in Islam by Muhammad Abdullah

Here are top 10 Greatest Man In the world by Wikipedia

Carefully take a look at the Wikipedia top 10 greatest man in the world, 2022.

The below listed name are the Wikipedia top 10 greatest men in the world

They are as follows

– Muhammad

– Isaac Newton

– Jesus

– Buddha

– Confucius

– Paul of Tarsus

– Cài Lún

– Johannes Gutenberg

– Christopher Columbus and

– Albert Einstein, finally.

The above is seen and recorded as top 10 greatest Men in the history of the world according to Wikipedia.

Now we have known who is the world best man, let’s see brief highlights about them one after the other!!!

Highlights on the 10 top greatest man in the history word and beyond;

Muhammad Abdullah as one of who is the world best man

  • Muhammad as one of the world best man

Just as we have said earlier, Muhammad Abdullah was an Arab religious director and was the founder of the Islamic religion on earth.

He is considered as one of the world best man ever by Islamic scholars and believers.

Muhammad Abdullah (PBUH) is discovered to be their final prophet of God in all the important aspect of Islam.

Isaac Newton as one of the best man in the world

  • Isaac Newton, one of the world best man

Sir Issac Newton was seen as the world greatest alchemist, physicist with difference, mathematician, natural philosopher, theologian and astronomer on earth.

Isaac Newton’s outstanding law of gravitation and three (3) laws of motion was the groundwork and breakthrough for mechanics in physics.

Newton’s laws were used for various purposes and application, especially in the field of motion and physics.

Jesus Christ is the world best man on disputed - Wikipe

Jesus as the world best man in history – all you need to know

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a Christian religious leader and was a God to Christian religious believers.

The Christ Jesus was considered the Son of God by all and sundry.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the central figure of Christianity and the incarnation of God on earth, as widely believes.

The Christians worshipers, faithfully worship and adore him, and Christianity is the major religion in the history of the world.

In addition, the Christian (believers) strongly believed that the world best man is called Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He brought the significance of holy life of into everything he does in a meek way…

Jesus was the only man in history who did all things right and not only in saving the entire world but also in daily life.

Buddha as one of the best man in the world

  • Buddha as one of the world best man

Siddartha Gautama fondly called Buddha as a nickname is also seen as one of the best man in the world.

Buddha is also a devoted philosopher and Spiritual teacher from ancient India, as recorded in history

Siddartha Gautama aka Buddha was born in Nepal and was the founder of Buddhism religious beliefs.

Buddha, the greatest spiritual director, is seen as the Light of Asian people and his often called Gautama Buddha by most Indian counterparts.

Confucius as on of the best man in the world in the world

Confucius as one of the world best man

Confucius the greatest was a social philosopher and thinker of his time.

The belief of Confucianism was solely founder by him, making him their spiritual director.

Confucius’s philosophy and teachings had influenced Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Vietnamese thought and life.

Paul of Tarsus the apostle as one best man in the world

  • Paul of Tarsus as one of the world best man

Paul of Tarsus, an apostle, was a Christian apostle that’s unique, and he was a notable of early Christian missionaries.

He was passionate with spreading and proselytizing Christianity outside of Palestine and mainly to the Romans metropolis.

Paul of Tarsus was the author of different letters of the New Testament of the Bible such as Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians etc…

He lived his life serving the lord and preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus.

Paul of Tarsus is the greatest man (apostle) that ever lived on this planet earth.

Cài Lún as one of the best man in the world

  • Cài Lún as one of the world best man

Cài Lún was referred to as the inventor of paper of all kinds.

He was a top ranking political official in the country of China and was identified as the inventor of the paper work making process.

His paper innovation and invention is one of the best as the world cannot work without papers, be it as it may…

So due to this singular act, many regarded Cài LúnJohannes as the world greatest man during his time and beyond.

Johannes Gutenberg made life easier by investing printers

  • Johannes Gutenberg as one of the world best man

Johannes Gutenberg as fondly called was a German printer.

He single-handedly invented the European mechanical printing press that’s we all know today.

Johannes Gutenberg’s work started the Printing Revolution in Europe and was identified as a milestone of the second millennium on earth.

This is his printer invention, ushering him into the modern period of human history seamlessly.

man like Christopher Columbus made America what it is today as a country

  • Christopher Columbus as one of the world best man

The man called Christopher Columbus was known as an explorer of new knowledge.

He was an Italian colonizer and a great navigator during his days.

His journey on earth led to general European awareness and recognition of American as a continent.

Christopher Columbus is enormously regarded as one of the greatest persons in the world because of American’s discovery.

Albert Einstein as one of father's of physics and science theories

  • Albert Einstein as one of the world best man

The great philosopher, who bears the name Albert Einstein, is a world-famous philosopher and scientist in history.

He was giving birth to in Germany, and he was also a well grounded theoretical physicist who proposed undisputed laws in physics.

Albert Einstein theory of relativity in physics inspired the whole world and especially mass-energy equivalence, which is expressed by the following equation below.

Albert Einstein mass energy equivalent equation is seen as (E = mc2).

He was considered and regarded as one of the famous scientists the world has seen do far in creation a d beyond.

In the quest for who is the world best man in history, these are the greatest man in the world ever in history.

Pst Anuonye livinus Abraham the great

  • Nze Goefrey Anuonye the great

Nze Goefrey Anuonye onyemauchechukwu was a native of umumbazu umunokwu in imo state Nigeria.

He was a philosopher, titled man, thinker and a traditional ruler of his people…

He lived his life selflessly, serving and making others great.

The totality of his existence was dedicated to justice, fairness and equity for the oppressed.

He never cared of having a roof over his head or amassing earthly prosperity.

People in his generation loved and reverence him because of his positive attribute.

update list of who is the world best man - Wikipedia_1

Who is the world best man according to Islamic belief and studies

When ever you open your ear to hear about who is the world’s best man ever on earth.

What comes to their mind is Prophet Muhammad Abdullah, peace be unto him (PBUH).

According to several searches on Google on this particular keywords: Who is the world’s best man?

The answer giving is usually Prophet Muhammad Abdullah (PBUH means peace be on to him in Islam).

Also, according to Hart Michael who is regarded as the most influential and famous person in world history…

Still went ahead to answer that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stands to be the greatest >>> says Michael Hart.

He ranked the prophet Muhammad Abdullah of Islam as his number one choice in his book, >>> “The top ranking 100 most famous and Influential Personalities in world history”.

Putting any related keywords in Google search engines, such as who is the world best man prophet in history?

Mohammed Abdullah is always the end result….

Nevertheless, the best man in the world of prophecy is considered to be Muhammad Abdullah (PBUH) by our Muslim brethren.

This is because all the attributes of Allah are lovely and adorable to all that believe in him.

The person of the holy prophet Muhammad Abdullah won the day when he tried to weave human beings using the fabric of Islamic religion.

When he managed to turn their internal and external belief in Islam into action of worship and lifestyle.

His life history as a Prophet of god shown from his birth to death perfectly narrated his biographical voyage in Islam.

Muhammad Abdullah as one who advocate for peace

A brief history of Muhammad Abdullah, PBUH the prophet;

Muhammad Abdullah the greatest prophet (ﷺ) was born in the country of Saudi Arabia in the city of Makkah precisely.

Because of his birth in Makkah a lot of Muslim travel far and near to grace Saudi Arabia in other to be called Alahaji

This is about 1403 years ago after his existence on earth before going into extinction.

Since he passed away on the earth, the world has not seen any man like him in the world history of impacts.

In every regard and the study of Muslim race indicates that there have been none better than Muhammad Abdullah, before and after him as well.

The man factor that brings respect and reverence to Prophet Muhammad Abdullah in both Islamic and non-Islamic niches is his lifestyle.

He was the regarded as best in character exhibition and willing to learn and adapt to new ideology when proven ideal.

He also state some in one of his hadiths as you can see in the following way:

“Allah has sent me to the world in other to perfect good manners and to do good deeds to mankind’s” (Bukharin).

The lines below depicts some key character traits of Prophet Muhammad Abdullah that every correct Muslim should possess as much as possible.

Muhammad Abdullah is Islam greatest of all times

– The Muhammad Abdullah Quran illustrations

1• All dealings for Allah’s sake as a human:

The Prophet, Muhammad Abdullah, peace be upon him, living selfless as a person could be in life calls for emulation.

He lived all the days of his life for the sake of Allah, and everything which he carried out was for the sake of almighty Allah.

However, the level of his selflessness can be seen from the example of his teaching in the valley of Taif.

Where many individuals compelled naughty children to throw stones at him while he was teaching and preaching.

He had to flee for his dear life, even though he was all soaked in blood.

But still, he did not lay complaints to Allah about himself, rather one of his companions stated below saying;

The Prophet look like a Prophet who was badly injured by his own people without any condemnation.

He cleaned the blood from his face and humbly said, O my God! Please forgive my people, for they don’t know what they are doing (Bukhari)!!!

Such is the selflessness in prophet Muhammad Abdullah’s character, and every moment of his life was for the benefits of Allah.

Teaching and spreading his message across the planet earth…


2• The Mannerism:

Prophet Muhammad Abdullah, peace be upon him, was the seen example of good manners to all Muslims brothers and sisters.

Every of his action that he carried out in life represented the highest morals and manners that a person could exhibit as humans.

He was a perfect being in terms of morals, ethics and manners, the likes of which the world has never witnessed before.

Just as one of his companions took notes about his manners:

The Prophet never swear or behave rude at anyone, neither did he curse anyone with his mouth.

If he wishes to reprimand someone, he would rather choose to say: ‘What is not right with him?

May dust be thrown in his face and that’s just it’s nothing ore or less (Bukhari).

In addition, if a Muslim is to state an example of the manners of someone, there would be none more perfect than Muhammad Abdullah PBUH.


3• The acts of humor:

A lot of people think that being a religious leader of Islam, Muhammad Abdullah had nothing to do with humour, very wrong concepts.

Rather, he was all considered in his stringency and strictness.

This perception of him is not right, as the Prophet was the one with the finest sense of humour to emulate from.

The kinds of which again can’t be seen in anyone that live on the surface of the earth.

His moral sense of humour wasn’t vulgar in any way or anything that would degrade or make jess of someone, rather it was commendable.

Anas >> may Allah be at peace with him >>> reports such an example by saying:

Immediately, a man asked the prophet for an animal to ride on…

He replied that he would give him the infant of a female camel to ride on.

The man asked again in return, saying that what would he do with a she-camel baby?’

Then he replied to him, saying, “is there any camel which did not come out of a she-camel”?


4• The acts of peace:

The general doctrine regarding prophet Muhammad Abdullah and Islam is that they both permit and encouraged violence in people.

Which are not in favor and compliance of peace keeping at all…

It is totally baseless and out of points, because the Islamic religion itself is peace promoting and Prophet Muhammad Abdullah was a lover of peace.

He wanted people to live in peace and always advised people to resolve their differences by going for peace at all cost.

Rather than going about from place to place for violence and conflicts…

In one of His hadith, Muhammad Abdullah peace be upon him said;

Let us go out massively to resolve the violent situation and make peace between men and female (Bukhari).

However, Muslims should understand this message of peace by giving examples out of the actions prophet Muhammad undertook to enforce peace.


5• The acts of kindness to children:

The prophet always treated little children with kindness and mercy.

He always enjoyed the company of kids and played with them from time to time to make them happy and feel belonged.

One of his ideal kindness example can be obviously seen from his life when he used to say to children:

I will give such and such >> either gift or so, to the little one who comes to me first.

So legions of kids used to race and fall on his chest and back for fun (Ahmad).

This indicates that his treatment towards children, and there are many other examples in his lifetime where he encouraged parents to be loving and caring towards their wards.


6• Prophet Muhammad Abdullah acts of generosity:

Generosity is the hallmark of the personality of Muhammad Abdullah as a prophet.

He was considered as the greatest and generous person there could ever be in the world of Islam.

He chooses others over himself and always fulfilled the desire of anyone who approaches him to ask for something at all.

One of his followers took notes of some certain phenomenal character of him.

The Prophet Muhammad Abdullah didn’t neglect giving anything out which he had to someone if he seeks for it (Bukhari).

His acts of generosity are top-notch that Muslims should aspire to obtain in their lifestyle.

The prophet generosity to other people as well so that the whole world, for it to become a better place.


7• The act of caring for women:

Another false belief about Islam is that it is a religion that oppresses the female folks.

Therefore, Muhammad being the founder of the religion, he is also attributed with women oppressing features.

This ideology is totally wrong and should be a point of argument at all.

Because, Muhammad Abdullah was so caring of the rights of the women, both young and old.

He also encourages his followers to give special attention to women by giving them equal rights and respect that they deserve to have.

In one of his hadith, he humbly said that;

Whoever train two girls till their maturity level, will be in the new world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other seamlessly (Abu Dawud).

If Muhammad was an oppressor of women, he could have simply refers to male orphan children.

However, he gave preference to bringing up of female children as pertinent to him.

This indicates the care he had for women and their rights as a female folk.


8• Pleasantness of prophet Muhammad:

Another wrong belief about him, is that he would be someone who would always be strict and harsh on the people he interacted with.

It is also a misconception because he was the most pleasant person in the history of Islam.

The prophet would salute everyone with a smile and always spoke to people with meekness.

One of his companion said some things about Him: as seen below;

I have never come across anyone who smiled as much as the prophet Muhammad, the messenger of Allah (Tirmidhi).

This depicts that the personality of Muhammad was gentle and pleasant.

Anyone who could smile at all times ought to leave a good impression on people.

And any place he goes, he ought to have spread pleasantness and love in excess.


9• Deep concerned about orphans:

Muhammad Abdullah did not just love who were close to him, nor did he only love those who were his relatives.

Rather, he considered the entire society worthy to love both young and old.

In the society, Muhammad Abdullah was obviously considerate of orphans, especially.

And would encourage his real followers to take special care of the fatherless, as they didn’t have parents to care after them.

The perfect home among the Muslims is one where an orphan is rightly treated and taken care off.

Just as the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is unjustly treated (Ibn Majah).


10• Muhammad Abdullah acts of cooperation as a Prophet:

The Prophet is the best, highest, and perfect among other people working as a team or in leadership.

However, with all this grandeur and greatness, he was cooperative towards people of all class.

And he helped many in performing the chores in any way he could help them out with it.

He never treated himself as a special species like most religious leaders do.

Rather, the prophet would cooperate and mix with common people in any way he could.

As one of his followers narrates regarding the battle of Trench that’s his, the best among all:

They saw the prophet of Allah on the day of the trench, packaging and carrying dirty.

Which was dug from the trench until his chest and the entire body was covered with dirt (Bukhari).

Therefore, a true Muslim must also not value rank or status at all course in his life.

Rather, he or she should be helping people and render his or her fair share in the energy that everyone is putting towards something.


11• The animal rights activist:

Perhaps Muhammad was the first animal rights defender or activist ever seen on the earth.

He raised the voice for the fair treatment of animal and condemned the opposite…

He told his followers that animals were also a creation of Allah, and they deserved to be treated justly.

Instead of being ignorant, strict, harsh and harmful to animal, strict and ignorant towards them, be good instead.

Aisha let Allah be at peace with her, narrated the prophet gentleness to animal.

Immediately I discover difficulty in riding a horse, so I kept reining it in often and on.

But Prophet Muhammad Abdullah, peace be upon him, will echo, “you must possess gentleness” (Muslim).

Every true Muslims should bend down and learn from his treatment of farm animals.

Also, should try being as considerate and gentle towards animals as possible and treat them fairly with love.


12• Total disassociation from worldly possessions of any type.

An individual who is so selfless that he would give all that he have to anyone who is in need of it.

As well as will do everything for the sake of Allah, be it as it may…

It is quite natural of him that he has little or no concern with the worldly possessions on earth.

Muhammad never wanted anything of this world at all…

Rather, whatever he had under his possession, he lavish it on other people.

And assist them to solve their material issues and problems.

Concerning these features of his personality, one of his followers notes the below statement;

Muhammad Abdullah did not leave any silver or gold currency, male or female or male, or a slave or labourer, after he’s no more!!!

He only left behind a piece of land which he declared as charity, his weapons and his white mule (Bukhari)


13• The modesty of Prophet Muhammad Abdullah:

Another interesting personal character of messenger is his modesty.

He is considered as the modest man of all and never encouraged any kind of profanity or vulgarity at all.

Rather he was shy, not timid and strongly encouraged modesty in all he does.

Modesty is a part of preaching of the previous Prophets, and everyone who lacks it is most likely to do all that he love.

In one of his hadiths, he said Muhammad is a symbol of modesty

Nevertheless, modesty is important to Islam and it’s believers.

A prophet being a living and breathing, Islam ascertains that Muhammad was modest in every respect.


14• The act of being considerate:

Whether it be animals, enemies, children, orphans, followers, fellow Muslims, women, elders, or it is anyone in the society.

For every one of them, you can imagine prophet Muhammad Abdullah was considerate among all.

He would love little orphans and children, having them in his heart to help…

He would treat even animals fairly, just as human beings do to humans.

The prophet would give women their statutory rights.

He will also reverence and respect the elders who dwell around him.

The messenger of god would provide what people asked of him at all times.

Thus, he was considerate to all and sundry without any discrimination at all.

Prophet Muhammad Abdullah, peace be unto him the greatest man, said that he stand up for prayer intending to prolong it.

In the meantime, I hear the crying of a child, and I have to shorten my prayer to the little baby that’s wailing.

Being completely apprehensive lest my recitation of a lengthy verse may tell upon the baby’s mother, situations (Bukhari).


15• General appearance of Muhammad Abdullah:

In who is the world best man on earth, the prophet (PBUH) tried all he could…

Muhammad Abdullah general appearance shows the following;

– Prophet as beautiful,

– Prophet as pure,

– The prophet of simplicity,

– Prophet of gentleness, yet so common as any other individual could be.

However, the Prophet was a person that’s not too tall but average height.

His shoulder were broad and massive.

His hair reached his earlobes, making him a unique messenger of god.

Once, people see him dressed in a red garment From time to time…

They never see anyone more elegant and handsome than him (Bukhari).

Who is....

Summary of who is the world best man

The fifteen (15) listed person by BBG Ihunanyachi Onyemauchechukwu were indeed meet of impact and yet not the greatest.

The ten (10) the greatest men in the world by Wikipedia and google also ranked with their own research.

So who is the world best man, and how does it look like?

Prophet Muhammad Abdullah ibn with all his attributes is considered as the greatest person in the world by Muslims.

As well as Jesus Christ of Nazareth with all his considered as the greatest person in the world…

Looking at salvation of man and life lived on earth without sin and wrinkles.

Healing the sick, delivery of the possessed, setting the captive free and dieing for all and sundry!!!

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is therefore considered the world best man and greatest of all without sentiment.

And this submission answers the question of who is the world best man in history.


Thanks for reading to this point.

We believe that you are able to find answer on who is the world best man in history!!!

Jesus as the world best man in history – all you need to know

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a Christian religious leader and was a God to Christian religious believers.

He is seen as the world best man a d greatest of all…

The Christ Jesus was considered the Son of God by all and sundry.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the central figure of Christianity and the incarnation of God on earth, as widely believes.

The Christians worshipers, faithfully worship and adore him, and Christianity is the major religion in the history of the world.

In addition, the Christian (believers) strongly believed that the world best man is called Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He brought the significance of holy life of into everything he does in a meek way…

Jesus was the only man in history who did all things right and not only in saving the entire world but also himself for God.

So Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the world best man on the surface of the earth.




The above giving piece of information is for general informational purposes only, no more, no less.

All information contained in this article is provided in good faith and not for religion purposes or otherwise.

However, we make no warranty or representation of any kind on this article, by express or implied form.

Regarding the adequacy, accuracy, reliability, validity, completeness or availability of any information on the Site.

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