How the prices of everyday items have increased over the past year

A number of common place items and services have seen price increases over the past 12 months.

The data was released by the Office of National Statistics and are calculated using the CPI-U measure of inflation.

The figures represent annual percentage increases or decreases in the average price from August 2021 to August 2022.

FoodFresh or refrigerated fruit 9.4%Bread 12.9%Fish 14.1%Crisps 13.1%Fish 14.1%Crisps 12.9%Pasta and couscous 16.3%Potatoes 16.1%Fish 14.1%Crisps 12.9%Eggs 18.5%Ready-made meals 18.2%Pizza and quiche 18.6%Eggs 18.5%Ready-made meals 18.2%Pasta and couscous 16.3%Po

Mineral and spring waters make up 20.9% of all beverages consumed, followed by fruit and vegetable juices (11.4%), tea (9.5%), coffee (8.5%), soft drinks (7.6%), beer (4.1%), spirits (3.7%), and wine (1.8%).

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The percentages for men’s apparel (9.2%), women’s apparel (7.6%), children’s footwear (7.9%), infants’ and children’s footwear (6.6%), and men’s footwear (3.8%), respectively, are as follows:

Gas (95.7%), Liquid Fuels (86.2%), Electricity (54.0%), and Solid Fuels (29.8%) make up the remainder of the energy mix.

  • Furnishings and HomewaresOutdoor furniture 16.3PercentIrons12.7Cookers12.2Glassware and chinaware11.6Refrigerators, freezers, and fridge-freezers11.3Lighting equipment8.5PercentBed linen7.0PercentCarpets and rugs7.0Percent

Motorcycles make up 2.2% of the road-vehicle market, while new cars account for 6.6%, bicycles for 5.8%, and used cars for 4.6%.

Travelers can get where they need to go by plane, train, bus, or coach, subway, or tram, respectively, at 40.3%, 9.2%, 8.8%, and 5.1%.

Travel and tourism services 15.5 percent; quick-service restaurants and takeout 11.1 percent; full-service restaurants and cafes 8.3 percent; canteens 6.4 percent; performing arts venues 5.9 percent; museums, libraries, and zoos 5.0 percent;[rb_related title=”More Read” style=”light” total=”4″]

Plants and flowers make up 7.2 percent of this category, while pet supplies account for 15.0 percent of the market, gardening supplies account for 14.9 percent, and sporting goods equipment accounts for 13.2 percent.

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