Summary of the travail of success by Oluchukwu C. Okoye

This is story book that tells much of a community called Mbieru known for their traditional norms and culture tends to observe all night with all alacrity. In one of the Eke markets day, some top ranking elders were having a very important meeting. That’s happened to the matter of secrecy that is only known to those involved in the meeting, in the course of the meeting, some students from the mission school of which his two songs attend came into the Palace to carry his eldest son who was seen to be dumb academically and have refused to go to school because of fate awaiting him as the future king of their kingdom.

He’s father the king intervened and after some questions he allowed his son to be carried back to the school. The king’s decision doesn’t seem right with the elders because they felt that the heir apparent to the throne should be in the palace learning the culture of his people instead of going to school.

At school, Amaechi the king’s son was made to dance around the school since he took the last position in his class. On his way home, he was filled with thought on why he was treated differently when compared to other students who took last position just like him. On reaching home, he went to his father in his palace (Obi in Igbo tribe language) and have a one on one discussion regarding his performance in the school. His father encouraged him to continue with the white man type of school so that they will be the first to benefit from it when the white man settles well. Even though Amaechi has confessed his inability to learn what is being taught in school. His step’s mother (mama izunna) approaches the palace (Obi) as Amaechi stood up to leave his father, she tried to take him back to the event at school today but Amaechi kept mute I left how with the option of finding whatever answer she wants. Amaechi went into his mother’s chamber (hut) and complained that he doesn’t want to go back to the school. However, his stepmother (mama Izunna) and her own son (Izunna) has always wanted Amaechi who is the heir apparent to the drone to be out of their way so that the can carry out their mischievous plans.

Amaechi having a long day (sad at school) to the excitement of Izunna his half brother and his stepmother Echidime. During supper, they all had the sound of a gong calling everyone for a wrestling match. The sound of the gong brightened his mood and forced a smile on his face. The sisters were happy, his mother said nothing, meanwhile at the other end of the tree where they were eating Izunna was watching him like he expected a smile from him. He said within himself that he would avoid Amaechi at the Ilo where everyone will gather for the wrestling because Amaechi will take his revenge on those who thought he wasn’t good enough and his counterparts at the mission. After post super chores Amaechi and his siblings went to their father who was in a meeting with two elders at his palace (Obi) Amaechi took permission on behalf of all his siblings to answer the call of the gong which is obtainable in their tradition. They went out in their numbers and meet the different groups of children there. On reaching the Ilo (wrestling place) different age group went to their area more like to be together. The girls we are having their own events as well. Amaechi met his friend Nwadinma whom his father told him has been betrothed to him and they both sat under a tree eating Ukwa wrapped in a banana leaf. Amaechi confessed his dissatisfaction of his father allowing him to go to school. The master of the wrestling called them out for a match from young to old, so Amaechi stepped out to where other of his mates were in adoration to Nwadinma. Amaechi and Izunna were both in the elite group which is being headed by the wrestling master himself. Amaechi has being the youth hero for years ever since he grew to be future in the wrestling contest but his last contest he met Adindu who almost dethroned him. So this year after other people have fought he found himself paired with Adindu his adversary, Amaechi saw it as a ground to take revenge for what happened earlier. They had a great fight and Amaechi came out victorious. The event came to an end and the children went back home and Amaechi had a good sound sleep despite what happened earlier in the school day.

His father the king (Eze Obumnonye) was very happy because of the outcome of the wrestling and he went to bed a had dream of bountiful harvest his yam farm will produce, he went with Amaechi who was the only courageous one to cross the river (Mmiri Eleanya) before getting to the farm. The river was dreaded by everyone on getting to the river, the king greeted the river goddess and cross the river on the other end of the river and ask Amaechi to proceed, which he did and on getting to the middle of the river a machete came out from the space and began to cut down the ropes holding the bridge. Amaechi remained focus until he realized that the wood he stood on varnished which results to the fall of things he was carrying, and he found himself suspended in space, and he eventually fell into the water of high current, the king was panting, and he’s hot was racing very fast as you woke up from his sleep to realize himself. He went out of his sleeping chamber and sat in his palace (Obi) Amaechi mother came to him to inquire why he screamed out their son’s name in the middle of the night. The king hesitated for a while and told her that he had a bad dream, but she kept questioning until the king ask her to go into her hut, of which she did. The king took matches and set out, taking the right path, which is a narrow road leading to the forest. He got to the forest valley bed that have been long, he kept his matches and slept off without realizing when Igwekala the keeper of the Oracle came out. Normally, the king supposed to send for him and not him coming over to his shrine. The king in narrated his dream to him and the old man Igwekala did some prayers and cast the seed on three different locations seeing the small results that the brightens the brightest seed was away from others which means Amaechi ascension to the throne, he was in confusion and doubt if there are plots to kill him, but the spirits didn’t disclose who is making such an evil plots. The old man referred him to Agbara Ukwu to show him the path to be followed. And the king stood and set for the palace, wondering on the ways to avert the danger which faced Amaechi, the heir to the throne.

The king became more worried about his son Amaechi even as Agbara Ukwu told him to allow fate to come to play, that if Amaechi is destined to rule he will and no plot of death can affect his destiny. The king called his second wife Izunna mother to inquire about her initial plan and suggestions about Amaechi schooling.

She suggested that Amaechi should be sent to her brother’s (a teacher) village to study so that it will improve his learning ability, he looks at her in disappointment that she will ever suggest sending his heir apparent to the throne away. But he managed to think about it but in another direction, the thought of sending him away from the dangers plotted against him. He told Izunna’s mother to travel to her brother’s village and make necessary arrangements for Amaechi’s coming and warned her to keep the conversation between the both of them secret, she left the next day and spent four days before returning on the afternoon of the fifth day with the news of her arrangements. The king sent for Amaechi and told him everything about the dream, his encounter with Igwekala the old man guiding the Oracle and Agbara Ukwu and the only good option has it to send him away for some time.

Amaechi said nothing because he knew his father mood was made up and his opinion doesn’t matter. They agreed to leave on the next market day, as proposed by his father. As he wanted to leave his father palace (Obi) his father called him back to prepare to do the formal engagement with Nwadinma tomorrow before leaving. He asked him to meet the palm wine tapper “Mr Okai” to keep a pot of wine for him and Nnaebube Nwadinma’s father that he has something to show him tomorrow. He kept pondering on who could be the mastermind plotting his son’s death.

Echidime, Amaechi stepmother taught that the god’s of their land is impotent and that destiny can be changed at anytime be it as it may, which means she can do anything to make her son an heir apparent to the throne of Mbieru once the king is no more and get away with it but the reverse was the case. And to achieve this evil plot on Amaechi she needed to eliminate Amaechi, but her wicked plans ended up in the opposite way where she and her family faced the severe consequences of which Izunna her son paid for the negative consequences of her mother wickedness and folly thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Igwekala the keeper of the Oracle, that who so ever the throne was made for, must surely travail and prevail.

Who authored the TRAVAIL OF SUCCESS?

The travail of success is authored by Oluchukwu Chukwumeucheya okoye, who is a native of Akabor Obiofia Nnewichi in the family of late Mr and Mrs Vincent Oranusi Okoye found in Nnewi North LGA of Anambra State, Nigeria. He attended his primary and secondary school in Anambra State and Delta respectively and did his university education and graduated from Nnamdi Azikiwe Federal University in Anambra State (UNIZIK) where he graduated from political science department. He is a renowned author of so many popular books national and international wise, some of his best-selling books are “THE BLACK SHEEP, THE TRAVAIL OF SUCCESS AND AMONG ALL OTHERS”. However, many of his articles can be seen in the Sun newspaper and National light newspaper.


Disclaimer: this written article summary is based on the individual jurisdiction, understanding and perception, thereby having nothing to do with the author’s or any other person own point of view, still on our own lions of understanding.

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