how to make first class at ease ( all you need to know)

How to make first class at ease as a student, has been a great challenge that ought not to be so…

Have you been searching for how to come out of higher institution with first class or distinction (flying colors)?

Search no more, your are in the right place!!!

This article is for you because all your are looking for to excel academically and generally well being is made available in this content.

However, in this article I will be showing you the most powerful facts that have been research on, documented, and practice very often with successful proof on how to make first class at ease as a Nigerian student.


If you apply the same strategy, you will also get your own results maximally on flying colors.

How to make first class at ease as an engineer and lawyer
How to make first class at ease using the library

Strategies that guides one on how to make first class at ease;

Below are helpful guidelines on how to reach your first class goal, as a student at ease.

They include…


1. Prayer

Most times, making first class at ease as a Nigerian student especially in school like AE-FUNAI, or it’s sister school EBSU calls for prayer in all you do.

The battle on making first class as a Nigerian student is not usually for the swift…

We have seen several intelligent students, that didn’t make it to first class in Ebonyi State University, it’s counterparts or some average student in some cases becomes the black horse to claim the glory of distinction.


Anything can happen especially in most Nigeria universities, as normally seen in FUNAI.!!

And with God all things are possible. So pray as if reading doesn’t work for you, as well as read as if the prayers doesn’t work again…


And you will see yourself coming out in flying colors.


2. Define your path and know what you want if you really want to make first class at ease


Making first class or grade one results are not jokes or sudden something that one realize, they are discrete conclusions once come up with and pursue it regardless of the situation, background, or surrounding environment.


If you want to make a first class results you must define it by asking your self few questions like;


Ask yourself whether you actually need this first class,

  • why you need it!
  • What will you benefits from it, if you finally get it.
  • And finally, how you are going to make it happen, with this you have carefully and consciously define what you want, so the vision is set and clear.

Maximum Focus on your journey on how to make first class at ease

You can get first class grade by been tossed with every wind of doctrine, involving yourself with everything you see.


Once you have defined your part and set your goal, you require maximum focus to achieve it.


You need to disassociate yourself with many things and many people just to hit your goal, you need to be up-to-date with your books in other to make first class as a Nigerian student.


Read like a hungry lion because first class is not for lazy forks, (pray as if your efforts are futile without positive results and read voraciously as if there is no God anywhere).


Ask questions in class where you are lost when the teacher or lecturer is delivering the lectures for proper clarification.


You need that rugged boldness because the decision you made is not for the weak right from the day you choose to go for it, it makes you outstanding and people must see it clearly on you.


Time conscious and management

This is very paramount for your first class goal to be met you require a timetable, schedule of your day-to-day activities to balance every thing such as academics and social life.

You need to know that there are time for everything and each time counts, so list your day to weekly priority and follow them judiciously, it will help you a lot.


Cultivating the habit of one thing at a time is very imperative, know when’s to do your class work.


know when to do your assignment and also know when to play because all works without play makes jack a dull boy.


So never go against your timetable guide any day you miss it out punish yourself so that you will stick to your time management.


Exercise therapy

Learn to engage in physical and mental exercise always for this will help you as a young man or woman.


It will make your brain to be at an alert and by so doing wards off sickness and minor disease away from you, keeping you healthy, fit and fresh at all times.



Don’t just be a bookworm that engage in parallel reading. Give yourself some happy moments and peace of mind, and you will see yourself with flying colors.

Hard work.

You can not just say; I want to make first class and your go to your house and relax. Or be going to church every blessed day and be praying to God, without reading your books and doing all that’s expected of you…

Those that make first class or distinction, do not make it by mistake or by chance, be it as it may the really work for it. From the first day, they decided to come out with flying colors, the paid the price of bending down to read.

The journey of making first class is not for lazy people!!!

Team work

No one have achieved great things alone (ihunanyachi bbg). You need people of like minds just as the scriptures said that iron sharpeneth iron.

You need motivation from your colleagues to keep pushing forward, without relenting.

These groups of team work are your reading partners and they must not come from your department. The can come from any given faculty or department as far as their business is to succeed academically like you.

Ride alongside with them and create a synergy that works….

Making first class is simple as ABC

Conclusion on how to make first class at ease as a Nigerian undergraduate

Making first class, or distinction is simple; either as an undergraduate or a secondary school pupil.


No one have made distinction without agreeing to do so!!!


Make up your mind for it, read your books, do your classwork and homework.


Make the library a place of your enjoyment, interms or reading and research.


Be eager to know new things and ask questions always, to gain clarify where you know nothing about.

How to make first class
How to make first class as a AEFUNAI soaring Eagle

Wrap up on how to make first class at ease

If you find this article on how to make first class at ease as Nigeria student helpful, impactful and educative!!


Let’s see how you fell through the comment section.


How to make first class as a AEFUNAI soaring Eagle


Hope you have been able to understand, how to making first class at ease as Nigeria student and any word class student as well?

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